Updated NBM roadmap
The NBM roadmap has been updated so that it mirrors updates in the project milestones. The updates concerns the following milestones: Go live date for Flowbased is October 29 2024 …
The NBM roadmap has been updated so that it mirrors updates in the project milestones. The updates concerns the following milestones: Go live date for Flowbased is October 29 2024 …
Automated Nordic mFRR EAM will go live on December 3rd, 2024, at 13:00 CET. During today’s NBM Roadmap Webinar (September 27th), the go-live timeslot for the Nordic mFRR EAM was …
NBM is pleased to invite market participants to a Nordic webinar October 7, where key insights and raw data from test runs of the mFRR shadow operation will be presented. …
The NBM program is pleased to invite you to the upcoming Nordic Balancing Model Roadmap Webinar that aims to provide e a comprehensive overview of the upcoming go-lives. The webinar …
The updated memo provides an outlook for the mFRR standard product development up until connection to the European platform for mFRR energy activation, MARI (Manually Activated Reserves Initiative), and describes …
As previously announced, the Nordic mFRR energy activation market will go live on Tuesday, December 3, 2024. In this regard, Energinet would like to invite you to a planning meeting …