Updated Go-Live Plan for 15-Minute Energy Markets

Parties in the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) confirm the transition to the 15-minute Market Time Unit (MTU) in the SDAC is set for 11 June 2025 with delivery date of 12 June 2025. To secure the continuity of the day ahead coupling, and taking into consideration market participants’ suggestions, NEMOs and TSOs have agreed to follow the go-live with a short rollback period of one week.

To facilitate a seamless transition to this important change, rigorous testing is currently being performed. Comprehensive coupled testing sessions with market participants are planned in early April 2025. For information related to local testing, please check with relevant NEMOs and TSOs.

15-minute time resolution in the Intraday market will be introduced on March 18 in the Nordic region for both the intraday auction and continuous trading. The first delivery day will be March 19. From March 19, mFRR and imbalances will be priced per quarter-hour

See the SDAC press release for additional information.