The Danish connection to the European aFRR platform PICASSO is delayed
Energinet has previously announced that we expected to join the European aFRR platform, PICASSO, on 28 May 2024. Energinet regrets to announce that the Danish connection has been delayed until week 40, i.e. in the period from 31 September to 6 October 2024. The final date will be published when it has been coordinated with the overall European PICASSO connection plan.
The reason for the project’s delay is an issue in the development of an underlying IT platform at Energinet. The delay does not leave enough time to carry out Energinet's necessary tests designed to verify and ensure the quality of the developed functionality.
The delay means that the market participants who are working to join the Danish aFRR market simultaneously with the Danish connection to the European aFRR platform, PICASSO, will also have more time to develop and test their solutions. Energinet will thus extend the window for testing to match the delay, and encourage all market participants to continue to reach out to Energinet as soon as they are ready for testing.