Updated Implementation guide for aFRR capacity market, February 2024

Please find the latest versions of the Implementation guide for aFRR  capacity market and relevant example files on the right hand side.   Contact persons: Øystein Vatland IT Delivery …

Presentations and link to recorded webinar on Implementation Guide and Memo on process for activating products in mFRR energy activation market

Thank you for your participation in the Nordic Webinar on updated Implementation Guide for market participants in the common Nordic mFRR energy activation market!   We were 125 participants from the four Nordic markets.   The questions raised during the webinar, including the …


Updated version, June 2021: Implementation guide aFRR capacity market – BSP v2.6

Please find the latest version of the “Implementation guide aFRR capacity market – BSP” and relevant example files on the right hand side.   Contact persons: Jon.Thomas Eliassen Solution …

Invitation to webinar on updated Implementation Guide for market participants in the common Nordic mFRR energy activation market

First version of Implementation Guide for market participants in the coming Nordic mFRR energy activation market was published in December 2020. The Implementation Guide describes the interface between market participants and the TSOs as well as the bidding and activation processes.  The Implementation Guide is currently being updated and will be …