Updated version June 2021: BSP - Implementation guide and Memo on process for activating products in mFRR energy activation market
The Implementation Guide for BSPs in the Nordic mFRR Energy Activation Market has been updated and the link to the updated version can be found on the right-hand side of this page.
First version of Implementation Guide for market participants in the coming Nordic mFRR energy activation market was published in December 2020.
The guide describes the implementation of Nordic mFRR energy activation market and provides information about the processes required to support this market. Both functional and technical aspects are covered. The document describes the interfaces between market participants and the TSOs as well as the bidding and activation processes.
The intended users of the guide are the market participants of the coming Nordic mFRR Energy Activation Market and other parties implementing the necessary solutions to support the participation in this market.
The memo (Memo - Process for activating products) providing an outlook for product development and how the mFRR energy activation market is an integrated part of the system operation has also been updated and can be found on the homepage (right-hand side of this page). The memo has amongst others been updated with description of pricing and settlement principles for mFRR energy activation in Automated operation pre 15 minute ISP from November 2022.
The Nordic TSOs are arranging a webinar to present the updates in the Implementation Guide and the updated national TSO implementation plans for market participants. In addition, bid selection process in the Nordic mFRR energy activation market will be presented and explained.
The webinar will take place 16 June 2021, 13:00 – 16:00 CET.
Please register here latest 15 June 2021 and you will receive a link to the webinar.