Gate closure time of aFRR capacity market decided

Gate closure time of aFRR capacity market decided

The gate closure time for the Nordic aFRR capacity market will be at 7:30 CET (D-1).  

In accordance with the ACER decision, Nordic TSOs have to consult stakeholders before announcing the exact timing of the gate closure time for aFRR capacity market. In that consultation, the TSOs proposed to have the gate closure at 7:30 CET (D-1). The consultation was conducted from mid-November until end of December 2020 and resulted in thirteen responses covering all Nordic countries. Five respondents agreed with the proposed timing. Remaining respondents proposed to have gate closure time at 8:00 CET (D-1) or later.  

In accordance with the ACER decision, the TSOs have written the announcement document, where  

  • gate closure time of aFRR CM is set to 7:30 CET (D-1), 
  • justification for selected gate closure time is explained, and 
  • summary of stakeholders’ responses has been included with detailed comments from TSOs in Annex.  

It should be noted that the gate closure time of 7:30 CET (D-1) and aFRR CM clearing processes shall be aligned timewise with processes related to the FB calculation and clearing processes with other balancing capacity products.