In March 2018 the Nordic TSOs agreed on an ambitious roadmap for the new Nordic Balancing Model (NBM). The first important milestone is the common Nordic aFRR capacity market in 2019. Detailing the next steps in the roadmap for NBM the TSOs have encountered critical impacts on the balancing process from the planned implementation of 15 min imbalance settlement. Ensuring robust implementation for both TSOs and market participants, TSOs have decided to revisit the time plan. Consequently there has emerged a high risk of delay in implementing 15 min imbalance settlement by December 2020.
Also recognising that the implementation of 15 min imbalance settlement period leads into significant changes also for market players, distribution system operators and other Nordic stakeholders TSOs are initiating a process for enhanced stakeholder involvement.
The Nordic TSOs will invite key stakeholders to work together more closely. To improve stakeholder cooperation, the TSOs will establish a Nordic reference group where representatives for the key stakeholders will be invited to join. The Nordic TSOs will approach the key stakeholders with a formal invitation during March 2019.
As informed earlier, the Nordic TSOs will organise Solutions seminar on the 26th of April 2019 in Copenhagen. In this seminar, the TSOs will provide more information about the status of the NBM project and possible delays of implementation based on the ongoing work on the NBM plan and roadmap. Also the plan for improvement of the stakeholder cooperation will be presented at the seminar.