Risk of delay of up to six months for implementation of Single Price Single Position
The timeline so far communicated for implementing Single Price Single Position has been go-live in Q2-2021. It has now become evident that this timeline is tight and there is a risk of a delay up to Q4-2021.
The original timeline for the Single Price project was set during the work with the revised NBM Roadmap and announced in October 2019, when the final Imbalance Settlement Harmonization Proposal (ISHP) was expected to be approved by all NRAs in January 2020. However, the proposal was instead referred by all NRAs to ACER, which moved the deadline for an approved methodology to 14 July 2020. Due to the referral to ACER, there is uncertainty of the final provisions of the methodology. In addition, there is a need to have sufficient time to undertake the necessary changes to, in particular, national terms and conditions for BRPs and other legislation to implement the requirements of the final ISHP. It is now apparent that this has a stronger effect on the timeline than previously foreseen.
The Single Price project is now reviewing the timeline and a final go-live date will be communicated as soon as possible after summer.