* No need for common test period between eSett and customer systems, relevant changes are described in eSett commission plan: https://www.esett.com/materials/single-balance/

Potential changes to the national implementation, will be verified in Q1/2021.

** For local TSO systems, time schedule needs to be confirmed.

After go-live: further work to accomodate the imbalance settlement due to further changes with NBM.

Single price model

What: The single price model includes a number of changes in the imbalance settlement scheme, including the introduction of a single imbalance price for all imbalances and a single calculation of imbalances and position based on trade schedules per balance responsible party (BRP). An updated BRP fee structure will also be implemented. The most notable change from today is that BRPs will face the same imbalance price regardless of the direction of their imbalance relative to the total imbalance of the system.

How: The technical implementation of the single price model is mainly done in the common Nordic imbalance settlement, eSett. In addition, different legal documents including for example national terms and conditions are updated.

Why: Although the new model is based on requirements in the approved All TSO methodology for imbalance settlement harmonisation (ISH), it also means a simpler imbalance settlement process, particularly for stakeholders.

When: The single price model is planned to be implemented in the Nordics on 1 November 2021. This is dependent on among other the approval of the updated terms and conditions by the Nordic regulatory authorities (NRAs).

Stakeholder involvement: All news and publications concerning the single price model are published on this webpage. Meetings with the stakeholder reference group and the NRAs are also used as communication platforms. Additional meetings and webinars for all interested are organised when needed. Such meetings will be announced on this webpage.