Single Price Single Position, publication of common Nordic market design document – feedback welcomed
October 9 2020
The common Nordic market design document gives an overview of the common imbalance settlement model with associated design, which is proposed to be implemented in the Nordics on 1 November 2021.
The document is not meant to be exhaustive on all details of the design, but to provide a common overview of the key common Nordic elements and be a supportive document in the associated national processes to implement the new imbalance settlement model.
In Finland, Sweden and Denmark, the common design needs to be described in the national Terms and Conditions for BRPs together with additional national changes and details. The revised Terms and Conditions will be subject for national consultations before request for approval by the national regulatory authorities.
In Norway, the implementation of the new model will require a change to the Norwegian regulation "Avregningsforskriften". This process is the responsibility of the Norwegian regulatory authority, RME, and will also include a national consultation.
In addition to the possibility to give formal feedback through the national processes, stakeholder feedback to the common market design document directly to the NBM Single Price project is highly welcome. The deadline for feedback is 20 November. Feedback can be sent to the following e-mail address: . Please mark the e-mail "Feedback to common market design – Single Price".