Single price Single position go-live date 1 November 2021
An updated target go-live date for the implementation of Single price Single position has been set for 1 November 2021. The go-live date has been delayed compared to the go-live date in Q2-2021 communicated previously.
The revised go-live date and the Nordic implementation timeline take into account the delay of the final Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation methodology published by ACER in July, assume a six month approval process by the Nordic regulatory authorities* and accommodate a coordinated go-live in all four countries. The updated target go-live date is within the legal implementation timeframe set by ACER in the final Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation methodology (15 January 2022).
The original timeline for the Single Price project was set during the work with the revised NBM Roadmap and announced in October 2019, when the final Imbalance Settlement Harmonisation methodology was expected to be published by all NRAs in January 2020.
However, the proposal was instead referred by all NRAs to ACER, which moved the legal deadline for an approved methodology to July 2020. Due to the referral to ACER, there was unexpected uncertainty about the final provisions of the methodology in the first half of 2020. In addition, there is now a better understanding of the fact that the four TSOs need sufficient time to make the necessary changes in national terms and conditions for BRPs and other legislation to implement the requirements of the final methodology. The Nordic TSOs have also gained an improved understanding of the time needed to carry out related processes.
The Nordic TSOs regret the postponement of the Single price Single position implementation, but find it essential to thoroughly reflect the changed circumstances and further findings in the timeline, and communicate the need for more implementation time to market participants as soon as possible.
*Norwegian process will differ from the rest of the Nordics as the Electricity Balancing Guideline has not yet been transposed into Norwegian law.