Telco invitation to all interested stakeholders on single pricing – single position
The NBM working group on single pricing invites all interested stakeholders to join us in a telco meeting on 11 March 2020 from 12:00 – 14:00 CET, to discuss the concept of single position and pricing, which is planned to be implemented in the Nordic countries from Q2 2021. The main content of the telco will also be presented at the 4th NBM Stakeholder Reference Group meeting on 12 March the following day.
A previous wish from stakeholders for a full day NBM meeting with the single pricing working group to discuss single pricing, and in particular the detailing of dual-pricing in divergent ISPs, was expressed at the 3rd NBM stakeholder reference group meeting in Oslo on 27 November 2019. Considering the Nordic Balancing Steering Committees recent agreement on single pricing – single position implementation without the concept of dual-pricing in divergent ISPs, the single pricing working group has decided to arrange this as a telco instead of the previously mentioned full day meeting.
The agenda for the telco will include the following:
- Upcoming changes to Nordic imbalance settlement model
- Status of the European Imbalance settlement harmonization proposal
- Possible mitigation measures and the Nordic balancing model
- High-level overview of implementation & work plan for the single price project
- Q&A session
Sign up for the telco meeting by sending an email to:
Write “Single price telco” in the subject of the e-mail and write that you wish to participate in the telco on 11 March 2020.
Deadline for sign-up: Friday 6 March 2020.
The material which will be presented in the telco on 11 March 2020 from 12:00 – 14:00 CET is found on the right hand side.