Webinar invitation to stakeholders on the Nordic capacity markets for aFRR and mFRR

Webinar invitation to stakeholders on the Nordic capacity markets for aFRR and mFRR

On 21 November from 9:00-11:30 The Nordic TSOs invite stakeholders to participate in a webinar, where the TSOs will give a short status after the first year of operating common Nordic capacity markets in a common Nordic platform.

Join the meeting from this link!

The agenda for the meeting will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction
    • What has happened until now?
      • Common Nordic aFRR CM
      • National mFRR CMs
  • Evaluation report for the Nordic aFRR CM
  • Experiences from the Nordic aFRR CM and ideas for improvement
    • Bids are often skipped
    • Bid formats and bidding behaviour
    • Pricing challenges
    • Prerequisites for a market to be efficient: market design and competitive behaviour
    • Stakeholders are invited to give input on market experience, on the need for bid formats and on efficient incentives.
  • Status on future developments and changes
    • Change of mark-up method
    • Common Nordic mFRR CM
    • Harmonization of CZCA (timeline)
    • 15-minute MTU in capacity markets
  • Questions

If you have any specific questions or topics, you would like the TSOs to touch upon, feel free to reach out to prior to the webinar.
