Invitation to national webinars for walkthrough of BSP implementation guide for mFRR capacity market, 22-24 June 2022

NBM is pleased to welcome Norwegian, Swedish and Danish BSPs* to webinars for an introduction of the mFRR capacity market BSP implementation guide.

On the way towards a Nordic mFRR capacity market, NBM will establish national markets for purchasing mFRR capacity. The national mFRR capacity markets will run on the same IT platform as the national aFRR capacity markets, and this platform will eventually be utilized for the common Nordic capacity markets (aFRR and mFRR).

The BSP implementation guide covers the technical implementation details when integrating with Nordic MMS and provides information about the processes required for the BSPs to interact with the mFRR capacity markets. Both functional and technical aspects are covered. The intended users of this document are the participating BSPs.

The guide will be published 15 June on, which gives the BSPs one week to read it and prepare questions before the webinar. In addition to a walkthrough of the guide, the TSOs will also present an overview of how the market will function, show a demo of the IT-solution, and give information on how BSPs can test the technical interface.

Please click the links on the right hand side to connect to the webinars. We look forward to seeing you.

*In Denmark, the BSP role has not been separated from the BRP role, so in Denmark the target audience for this document is the BRP. Whenever the term BSP is used in this article it should be interpreted - for Denmark - as the "BRP acting as BSP".

Invitation and link to national webinars

Webinar for Swedish BSPs

Date/time: 22 June, 10:30-12:00 CET

Link to meeting: Click here to join webinar


Webinar for Norwegian BSPs

Date/time: 23 June, 11:30-13:00 CET

Link to meeting: Click here to join webinar

Note: This webinar is in the end of ISB-meeting


Webinar for Danish BRPs

Date/time: 24 June, 10:30-12:00 CET

Link to meeting: Click here to join webinar