NBM stakeholder reference group had a Teams meeting 21 September. The takeaways listed below reflect the key points at the meeting.
Presentations held at the Nordic Stakeholder Reference Group is found on the right hand side.
Open question/dialogue regarding meeting formats for stakeholder reference group
Comments at meeting:
- Transparency and open dialogue needed
- Changes in dependencies and new implementation dates should be shared as soon as the TSOs knows about it
- The frequency of meetings/communication might need to increase during 2023 and 2024
- The market needs to know when they have to adapt to changes
- Dialogue sometimes too TSO centric
- Not too much “in detail” at stakeholder reference group meetings since webinars and local meetings will fill that need
Roadmap updates
Status on roadmap was presented. No major changes of the roadmap was reported since previous reference group meeting. As already informed about on the NBM web, a new milestone has been introduced called 15min ISP/60min, to distinguish between the changes introduced to 22 May 2023, vs the introduction of changes in April/May 2024.
Questions were raised regarding the financial impact of the 15min ISP/60min milestone. As there will be an hourly imbalance price in the Nordics also after eSett starts settlement with 15 minutes resolution, there will be no financial impact until 15min mFRR prices and 15 minutes imbalance prices are introduced in Q2 2024. It was referred to the previous presentation of the changes introduced, see material from stakeholder presentation 24 March 2022. With respect to this topic, it was expressed a wish to improve the communication of what is expected from stakeholders at the different ISP-milestones. Ideally with an aggregated view/pointers on the NBM web.
A concrete proposal was to make an overview of the internal milestones within each country between 15min ISP/60min (22 May 2023) and 15min ISP (Q2 2024), and publish it on the NBM web.
Read more:
15min ISP Commissioning plan from Nordic Imbalance Settlement point of view from eSett: 15 min ISP Commissioning Plan (esett.com)
aFRR CM, status
Go-live of Nordic aFRR CM planned to 7 December 2022 (gate closure).
Nordic methodologies for Nordic aFRR CM were approved by ACER in 2020. Next step is to get final approval from Nordic NRAs related to verification of fulfilment of EB GL article 38(5).
A required public hearing is planned for October. The hearing will be made using a questionnaire. A stakeholder meeting will also be held. The hearing and the announcement of the meeting will be made on the NBM webpage.
Stakeholders raised the question how stakeholders actually can answer such a hearing, since it’s purely related to showing the TSOs fulfilment of certain criteria.
Read more:
Implementation guides – nordicbalancingmodel
Imbalance pricing and settlement
A follow-up on material published on the NBM webpage in July, with focus on examples of the option space for imbalance pricing and settlement going forward and addressing the draft timeline for work the next half year. Stakeholders would like to receive more examples of possible models, also simulations if possible.
Dependencies between NBM and flow-based for Svenska kraftnät and Statnett
This agenda topic was held in separate webinar on Oct 17. Transit flows in Norway and Sweden creates a dependency between mFRR EAM and flow-based. Background for this was presented.
For any further questions and/or comments, please get in contact with us here
Agenda_NBM Stakeholder Reference Group 21 September 2022
Roadmap update_Stakeholder Reference Group meeting 21 September 2022
Nordic aFRR CM status_NBM Stakeholder Reference Group meeting 21 September 2022
Imbalance pricing options forward_NBM Stakeholder reference Group meeting 21 September 2022
The dependency between NBM and flow-based for Statnett and Svk