Updated NBM roadmap
The NBM roadmap has been updated so that it mirrors updates in the project milestones. The updates concerns the following milestones: Go live date for Flowbased is October 29 2024 …
The NBM roadmap has been updated so that it mirrors updates in the project milestones. The updates concerns the following milestones: Go live date for Flowbased is October 29 2024 …
The NBM program is pleased to invite you to the upcoming Nordic Balancing Model Roadmap Webinar that aims to provide e a comprehensive overview of the upcoming go-lives. The webinar …
As stated this summer, the NBM-program will present an updated roadmap in mid-September. (See previous newsupdate) To give stakeholders the opportunity to ask questions we will also present the new …
NBM stakeholder reference group had a Teams meeting 21 September. The takeaways listed below reflect the key points at the meeting. Presentations held at the Nordic Stakeholder Reference Group is …
We’ve already passed go-live of the Single Price Model and national go-live of the aFRR capacity market in Norway, according to the roadmap. The next step is the national go-live …
On the NBM roadmap, go-live for the Nordic aFRR capacity market (CM) is set for 1 February 2022. Go-live is linked to the implementation of the flow-based method for capacity calculation and dependent on the results from the flow-based (FB) external parallel …
Based on the latest reassessments and information, changes have been made to the NBM roadmap. The reassessment of the mFRR energy activation market has shown that the transition to the automated Nordic mFRR energy activation market will have …
The Nordic TSOs have updated the NBM roadmap based on further analysis and to meet the response from the stakeholder consultation. The revised roadmap for the Nordic Balancing Model introduces …
Please find to the right hand side of this page the presentation, webinar film and Q and A from the webinar around the NBM roadmap on the 29th of May …
Statnett, Svenska kraftnät, Fingrid and Energinet are developing large and complex changes in the operation of the power systems within the Nordic Balancing Model project. “This is the most comprehensive …
The prerequisites for efficient balancing of the Nordic power system are currently changing as we gradually move towards a green, integrated and harmonized European power market. The NBM program will …