The Swedish automatic frequency restoration reserve (aFRR) capacity market has successfully been moved to the shared Nordic MMS (market management system) starting 10 May. The milestone marks an important step towards a common Nordic market, planned to go-live earliest Q4 2022, and thus also serves as an important tool to succeed with the implementation of the new Nordic balancing model.
The first daily procurement was carried out on 10 May, valid for delivery day 11 May. The Swedish go-live introduces some changes to the market design, such as bids and activation per bidding zone, daily auctions and marginal pricing. With this change, the aFRR reserve requirement becomes better mapped to the various needs in the four Swedish bidding zones.
“The new platform is an easy-to-use tool, designed to support the complete auction process where BSPs submit bids to the market platform, and a combination of bids is chosen. It will add value to the BSPs presently acting in the Swedish aFRR capacity market, and it is our hope that it will also increase an interest for new aFRR providers to join” says Alexander Jansson, NBM program manager.
The common Nordic platform has been used by the Norwegian market since November 2021 and by the Finnish market since January 2022.