The prerequisites for efficient balancing of the Nordic power system are currently changing as we gradually move towards a green, integrated and harmonized European power market. The NBM program will ensure the necessary update of the balancing market design, develop methods and operational processes as well as related IT systems for the Nordic region. The NBM program also includes the implementation of 15 minutes time resolution.
You are welcome to join our stakeholder webinar, where we will present an updated roadmap for implementing NBM, that will provide a basis for the TSOs proposal of new deadline for implementation of 15 min imbalance settlement period. The Roadmap will be subject to public consultation.
Time: May 29th, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Link to the event: event code: 1709
Link and material from the presentation
Link to presentation: Presentation for Webinar 29 May 2019
Link to download film of presentation (1,8 GB):